The Seven Rules Of Innovation by Robert Shelton and Tony Davila

Несколько цитат из представления книги на Microsoft Executive Circle весьма точно соответствуют моему представлению о том, какие инструменты нужно использовать для успешного управления корпоративными изменениями: стратегия -> организационное развитие -> портфель проектов в ряде доменов (здесь для реализации инноваций) -> управление программами и проектами -> анализ эффективности по ключевым показателям (метрикам)

Microsoft Executive Circle The Seven Rules Of Innovation

Innovation is a management process that, to be effective, requires tailor-made tools and management systems. And when a company’s innovation engine runs properly, innovation becomes a steady source of value, rather than a series of isolated, random events.


Innovation requires strategic thinking and leadership at the top. However, the sparks of creativity that transform ideas into a viable business model are typically found at all levels of a company. That’s why the seven rules that summarize innovation management concern not only strategy and leadership, but also how to organize the innovation processes and resources around people companywide.

Balance: Innovation is a process that starts with creativity—including idea generation, prototyping, experimentation, and idea selection—and ends with value capture—including project management, market planning, manufacturing, and commercial rollout. Often a company is good at either creativity or value capture, but not both.

Punishing people for failing is one of the biggest, most frequent mistakes managers make.

Key steps to balancing creativity and value capture include:

  • Develop innovation platforms for the desired types of change. These platforms act as organizing principles for innovation and cut across the traditional business units.
  • Create a portfolio of projects in each platform. Portfolios are the best way to manage the range of creative and value-capture innovation projects required.
  • Manage the internal and external partnerships in your innovation network.

Metrics: Designing, monitoring, and correctly interpreting a measurement system for innovation performance are the hallmarks of a company adept at innovation. Too often, however, this process is given short shrift. Generally, few of the measurements are linked to the strategy.

For many companies that we investigated, metrics were actually counterproductive. Many companies measure results using finance-based metrics. Nonfinancial measures are preferable, however, because they give better real-time, granular evaluations of progress and likelihood of success.

A good management-information system measures the whole innovation chain—from the quality of the idea generation process, to the selection process, to value creation.

Creating the right innovation model and measuring its performance are crucial. Look at the innovation inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes you need to meet your objectives. Then populate those four categories with measures that make sense for your company’s innovation portfolio, processes for creativity and value capture, culture, and overall business strategy.

7 rules of innovation:

  1. Exert strong leadership on portfolio decisions and encourage significant value creation.

  2. Integrate innovation into the company’s basic business mentality. Make it a core competency.

  3. Align the amount and type of innovation to the company’s business; select a "play to win" or a "play not to lose" innovation strategy.

  4. Manage the natural tension between creativity and value capture so that the company generates successful new ideas while gaining the maximum return on its investment.

  5. Neutralize organizational antibodies that kill off good ideas because they’re different from the status quo.

  6. Recognize that the fundamental building blocks of innovation are networks that include people and knowledge—both inside and outside the enterprise.

  7. Create the right metrics and incentives to foster innovation.

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